Unleashing Parent Power

Taking Ownership of Your Child’s Education

As parents, it's easy to feel like passengers in the journey of our children's education, leaving decisions to school boards, districts, principals and teachers. However, it really doesn’t have to be that. Understand, you as parents are not just passengers; you are the owners of the school. Your involvement can shape the school's culture, policies, and ultimately, the quality of education your child receives.

Parent Organizing Institute meet and greet.

Breaking the Silence:

Many parents hesitate to voice their opinions or concerns, fearing repercussions or thinking their input won't make a difference. But remember, silence only perpetuates the status quo. In 2024, it’s about that time to break the silence, speak up, and let your voice be heard. Whether it's changing a policy for the better or supporting a positive initiative, your involvement is vital.

Building Collective Power:

One of the most significant actions we can do is to surface the power within each other, by fostering a sense of community, we create a collective voice that demands attention. Share your experiences, insights, and challenges with other parents. Together, we can create a network of powerful parents who actively participate in the educational system.

Participant listens and learns the importance of collective power during workshop held by PPL.

Saying No When Needed:

Ownership comes with the responsibility to say “no” when needed. Whether it's advocating for changes in curriculum, addressing bullying issues, or questioning school policies, don't be afraid to stand firm. 

Your child's education is worth it, and your voice can drive positive change.

Saying Yes When It Counts:

Ownership also means saying “yes” to positive initiatives and opportunities. Volunteer, engage with teachers, attend school events, and actively participate in your child's educational experience. Your positive involvement sets an example for your child and contributes to a thriving school community.

Parent Organizing Institute (2019) workshop led by convener, Spark Bookhart.

Parents, the time for passive involvement is over. Come grab the tools on how do this by applying to the Parent Organizing Institute. This is a space for you to build power among other parents and community members to develop ways to transform schools and communities.

Remember, we as Parents, own schools and your active participation is the key to unlocking a brighter future for our children. Stand up, speak up, and let's collectively shape the educational landscape for the better. Together, we can redefine what it means to be actively engaged parents and owners of our children's education.


On the Horizon: SpEd Power Academy


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